These data were created for the University of Idaho as a seamless 6-inch pixel resolution orthorectified aerial coverage including the University of Idaho campus and environs. An UltraCamX Digital Camera was used to acquire 6-inch resolution with a 60 percent forward / 30 percent side overlap on September 12, 2015. Native projection is State Plane, NAD83(91), NAVD88 with units in US Survey Feet. Original Survey Control and an existing surface model were utilized to support a NMAS Accuract specification. The orthophotography content was processed at 24-bit RGB and a near infrared 4th band is included.
Data and Resources
Field | Value |
Modified | 2019-03-19 |
Release Date | 2015-09-17 |
Publisher | |
Identifier | fa96f231-6b7a-4966-bb26-4b24d5bd2c13 |
License | |
Public Access Level | Public |