Co-learning approaches to talking and thinking about pee: community perspectives on urine recycling communication and education DOI: 10.7923/MM2X-W922 Description/Abstract: Through ecological sanitation a linear system becomes circular, so that the "waste" our bodies produce is reclaimed to sustain communities. Such transformation requires both physical changes in "waste" management and sociocultural changes in how we talk, think and act. A co-learning approach envisions scientists and practitioners as partners in communication, education and implementation transforming human "waste" into valued resource. Inviting questions and critical conversations helps avoid future harm caused when community knowledge and control isn't prioritized from the outset. Eliciting community curiosities and concerns through experiential learning enables collaboration in developing and piloting new technologies and initiating infrastructural change. **Resource Use**: *License*: [CC-BY]( *Recommended Citation*: Opperman, S., Cavicchi, J., Schreiber, T., & Hardin , R. (2022). Co-learning approaches to talking and thinking about pee: community perspectives on urine recycling communication and education . University of Idaho. Resource URL: Creator(s): 1. Full Name: Shaina Opperman Unique identifier: Affiliation(s): University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability. 2. Full Name: Julia Cavicchi Unique identifier: Affiliation(s): Rich Earth Institute 3. Full Name: Tatiana Schreiber Unique identifier: Affiliation(s): Rich Earth Institute 4. Full Name: Rebecca Hardin Unique identifier: Affiliation(s): University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability Other Contributor(s): 1. Nancy Love Affiliation: Univ of Michigan, Civil and Environmental Engineering Role: Project Leader 2. Krista Wigginton Unique identifier: Affiliation: Univ of Michigan, Civil and Environmental Engineering Role: Researcher 3. Diana Aga Affiliation: University at Buffalo, Department of Chemistry Role: Researcher 4. Abe Noe-Hay Affiliation: Rich Earth Institute Role: Researcher 5. Kim Nace Affiliation: Rich Earth Tools Role: Researcher 6. Phoebe Gooding Affiliation: Toxic Free North Carolina Role: Researcher 7. Audrey Pallmeyer Affiliation: Amherst Wilder Foundation Role: Project Manager 8. Malavika Sahai Role: Researcher 9. Linda MacPherson Affiliation: New Water Resources Role: Producer Publisher: Univeristy of Idaho Publication Year: 2022 Language(s): American English Subject(s): 5. Social sciences 5.9 Other social sciences (interdisciplinary) Keywords/Tags: Co-Learning; Education; Intersectoral Cooperation; Circular Economies; Sustainability Transitions; Waste Resource Type General: Audiovisual Dates: 2022-05-18 Date available for the public: 2022-05-20 Sizes: 159 MB Format(s): mp4 Version: NULL Funding References: US NSF Award: 1639244 Advancing Technologies and Improving Communication of Urine-Derived Fertilizers for Food Production Within a Risk-Based Framework USDA SARE 2020 Award: ONE20-375 Expanding Farm Partnerships to Trial Human-Urine-Derived Fertilizer on New Crops Spatial/Geographical Coverage Location: Study Area Description: Upper midwest and New England USA Temporal Coverage: Start Data: 2016-09-01 End Date: 2021-09-01 Granularity of the Data: NULL Contact Info: Contact Name: Tatiana Schreiber Contact Email: Related Content: EngageINFEWS Lightning Talks 2022 - Animation - Peer Reviewed Manuscript | Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development - Schreiber, T., Opperman, S., Hardin, R., Cavicchi, J., Pallmeyer, A., Nace, K., & Love, N. (2021). Nested risks and responsibilities: Perspectives on fertilizer from human urine in two U.S. regions. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 10(3), 221–242. Peer Reviewed Manuscript | Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene - Schreiber, Tatiana, et al. (2020) Leveraging integrative research for inclusive innovation: urine diversion and re-use in agriculture. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 8:12. Rich Earth Institute - DeepBlue -