Data & Code Access via GitHub | Seed yield data from: The role of genome duplication in big sagebrush growth and fecundity
- Seed yield data from: The role of genome duplication in big sagebrush growth and fecundity
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User since 11/10/2020
Idaho EPSCoR GEM3 Data Manager
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Growth data and code that support the following peer-reviewed manuscript in [*American Journal of Botany*]( The datasets and R scripts are available from GitHub [Growth](
Data from the [2023 *Ecological Applications* manuscript]( Using social-ecological models to explore stream connectivity outcomes for stakeholders and Yellowstone cutthroat trout. Input files and R scripts for...
Code from: Global composition of the bacteriophage community in honeybees The R code for all analyses is available in the GitHub repository at The microbial...
Data from: Global composition of the bacteriophage community in honeybees Raw sequencing reads were deposited in GenBank under accession numbers SRR17894214 to SRR17894216 and under BioProject accession...
Microbiomes play essential roles in the health and function of animal and plant hosts and drive nutrient cycling across ecosystems. Integrating novel trait-based approaches with ecological theory can facilitate the prediction of microbial...