Metadata Access | Agisoft Structure-from-motion Protocols (txt download)
Boise State University,Idaho State University,Idaho EPSCoR,EPSCoR GEM3
- Agisoft Structure-from-motion Protocols
175 Datasets
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User since 11/10/2020
Idaho EPSCoR GEM3 Data Manager
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The images used to make these data products were collected from an area that spans a wildfire boundary created during the 2015 Soda Fire in Idaho USA in 2019, 2020 and 2021. We used a DJI Mavic 2 Pro with Mission Planner software to capture...
Compilation of sagebrush chemistry and herbivore interaction data from Idaho USA. Chemical data includes percent crude protein, percent nitrogen, coumarins, phenolics, total monoterpenes, monoterpene chemical diversity, and quantifiable amounts...