Video Access | Stakeholder Engagement for Disaster Relief and Resilience: A Transdisciplinary Academia-NGO Collaboration (mp4)
- Stakeholder Engagement for Disaster Relief and Resilience: A Transdisciplinary Academia-NGO Collaboration
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Addressing wicked problems in FEW systems depends on working closely with an inclusive group of stakeholders. Yet graduate education in traditional STEM fields rarely offers training in the specific practices of stakeholder engagement. The INFEWS...
The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) provides cyberinfrastructure and educational resources to a diverse community of water scientists and practitioners. CUAHSI has grown its programs and...
While phosphorus is an essential nutrient for life and largely drives crop yields in our agricultural and food systems, its inefficient management is resulting in water pollution and ecological damage. Sustainable solutions to manage phosphorus...