175 Datasets
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User since 11/10/2020
Idaho EPSCoR GEM3 Data Manager
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- ecology (45) Apply ecology filter
- Artemisia tridentata (sagebrush) (36) Apply Artemisia tridentata (sagebrush) filter
- genomics (27) Apply genomics filter
- stakeholder engagement (26) Apply stakeholder engagement filter
- wildlife (26) Apply wildlife filter
- adaptation (22) Apply adaptation filter
- unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) (21) Apply unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) filter
- environmental change (20) Apply environmental change filter
- wildfire (20) Apply wildfire filter
- climate change (19) Apply climate change filter
- sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) (18) Apply sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) filter
- bioinformatics (15) Apply bioinformatics filter
- environmental science (15) Apply environmental science filter
- food (15) Apply food filter
- landscape (15) Apply landscape filter
- social and economic geography (15) Apply social and economic geography filter
- water energy systems (15) Apply water energy systems filter
- drones (14) Apply drones filter
- point cloud (14) Apply point cloud filter
- raster (14) Apply raster filter
- common garden (13) Apply common garden filter
- structure-from-motion (13) Apply structure-from-motion filter
- UAV (13) Apply UAV filter
- Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri (12) Apply Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri filter
- remote sensing (12) Apply remote sensing filter
- Redband Trout (11) Apply Redband Trout filter
- invasive species (10) Apply invasive species filter
- multispectral (10) Apply multispectral filter
- orthomosaic (10) Apply orthomosaic filter
- social-ecological systems (10) Apply social-ecological systems filter
- gene/genome/genotype-environment interaction (GxE) (9) Apply gene/genome/genotype-environment interaction (GxE) filter
- geospatial science (9) Apply geospatial science filter
- RGB (9) Apply RGB filter
- drought (8) Apply drought filter
- genome to phenome (8) Apply genome to phenome filter
- legacy data (7) Apply legacy data filter
- adaptive capacity (6) Apply adaptive capacity filter
- biogeography (6) Apply biogeography filter
- microbiome (6) Apply microbiome filter
- SNP (6) Apply SNP filter
- adaptive potential (5) Apply adaptive potential filter
- disturbance (5) Apply disturbance filter
- fisheries science (5) Apply fisheries science filter
- genotype (5) Apply genotype filter
- hydrology (5) Apply hydrology filter
- land use and land cover change (LULC) (5) Apply land use and land cover change (LULC) filter
- sagebrush (5) Apply sagebrush filter
- transcriptome (5) Apply transcriptome filter
- sequence assembly (4) Apply sequence assembly filter
- UAS (4) Apply UAS filter
awchild's content
v0.1.0 release of the G2PMineR Package as described in Genes manuscript "G2PMineR: A Genome to Phenome Literature Review Approach" (Wojahn et al., 2021). For further information and details about the package release visit the [G2PMineR Project...
Data from: Development of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Panel for determination of environmental influence on genome for wild Columbia River redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdnerii) in Southwest Idaho streams
DNA were derived from fin tissue samples taken from individual trout captured from Little Jacks Creek, Big Jacks Creek , and Duncan Creek of the Owyhee mountains and Keithly Creek and Upper Mann Creek in the Hitt mountains of Western Idaho,...
Statistical consideration of nonrandom treatment applications reveal region-wide benefits of widespread post-fire restoration action
Accurate predictions of ecological restoration outcomes are needed across the increasingly large landscapes requiring treatment following disturbances. However, observational studies often fail to account for nonrandom treatment application,...
Data Access via Dryad | Statistical consideration of nonrandom treatment applications reveal region-wide benefits of widespread post-fire restoration action
- Statistical consideration of nonrandom treatment applications reveal region-wide benefits of widespread post-fire restoration action
Data and Code for "Characterization and comparison of convergence among Cephalotus follicularis pitcher plant-associated communities with those of Nepenthes and Sarracenia found worldwide"
The Albany pitcher plant, Cephalotus follicularis, has evolved cup-shaped leaves and a carnivorous habit completely independently from other lineages of pitcher plants. It is the only species in the family Cephalotaceae and is restricted to a...
Characterization and global comparison of Cephalotus follicularis pitcher plant-associated microbial communities
The Albany pitcher plant, Cephalotus follicularis, has evolved cup-shaped leaves and a carnivorous habit completely independently from other lineages of pitcher plants. It is the only species in its family and is restricted to a small region of...
Data Access via NCBI | Characterization and global comparison of Cephalotus follicularis pitcher plant-associated microbial communities
- Characterization and global comparison of Cephalotus follicularis pitcher plant-associated microbial communities
Interannual variation in climate contributes to contingency in post-fire restoration outcomes in seeded sagebrush steppe
Interannual variation, especially weather, is an often-cited reason for restoration “failures”; yet its importance is difficult to experimentally isolate across broad spatiotemporal extents, due to correlations between weather and site...
Data Access vis Dryad | Interannual variation in climate contributes to contingency in post-fire restoration outcomes in seeded sagebrush steppe
- Interannual variation in climate contributes to contingency in post-fire restoration outcomes in seeded sagebrush steppe